Principle Number Seven
The Danger of Playing It Safe Part 1
Pastor Maselo Mosomane
“Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’ “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest.” Matthew 25: 24-27.
The third servant also came in to make his presentation. There are few things we can learn from his report that can help us avoid the mistakes he made.
This man accused his master to the face. “I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.” There are those people who would always have something against their employers. When they have to do what they are employed for, they complain. They came with their caps under the armpit begging for employment and now they want to dictate terms. They are not prepared to have anything leveled against them; yet they are quick to dish out mud. They are the kind of people who calls you master when it benefits them but shreds you to pieces as soon as they find an opportunity. They don’t hesitate to stab you at the back for a reward.
Listen to what this man says. “You are a hard and harsh man, who do not want to work for himself. You expect me to make money for you while you are out there enjoying yourself with friends basking in the sun? You are never in the field but come harvest time; you are first. This is daylight robbery you are doing. Enough is enough! I cannot be exploited any longer. Here is your money: just as you gave it to me.” (Paraphrased) Have you ever met such people?
The world is full of such people who do not understand how money works. You see, when you don’t have money, you work with your muscles. You sweat for every cent you make. You earn it with sweat, blood and tears. There is no easy road. You exchange your time and energy for money.
In fact, the money you earn, replaces the life you spent earning it. Did you hear what I have just said? I said money is your life. Your life is measured in units of time: hours, days, weeks, and months or years. You see, when you work, you spend those units on that piece of job. Let me make it simpler. When you work for someone, say for ten years, you are actually giving your employer ten years of your life. Your life is ten years less. He in turn pays you an income. The actual transaction is that you give him your life; he makes profit with it and then pays you a certain amount of money at a regular weekly or monthly interval. You may not be aware of the fact that you’ve just sold some units of your life for money. Like any other merchandise, your life has just become a commodity readily available at the labour market arena and is replaced with rands and cents. Your life produces money and money replaces the life you spent in the process of earning it. Every time you work and earn an income, you sell a bit of yourself to sustain what remains. Hard facts but this is what it is all about. It does not matter whether you agree with it or not, it won’t change. By this time you must have realized that many things don’t change simply because we don’t like them.
The problem is that this kind of transaction has been taking place for so long and approved by so many people that it has gained public acceptance and earned itself the status of a “way of life.” Because of benefits and security offered by such transactions, many of us are deceived. It has become an unconscious exercise for many of us to take up a job. What we need to know is that: for the mere fact that something has been happening for a long time and is accepted by many people; especially those with academic credentials, does not make it the best option, whether it benefits us or not. Results do not always justify the act.
Many people don’t realize that when you have money, your money must works for you. With proper planning and sound business strategy, your money can become the best employee this world can ever offer. Why work when your money can do the job even better than you? Why? Didn’t you know that every community would always have less fortunate people who will need a job: either as a livelihood or as a kick start to accumulate a starting capital? “For the poor will never cease from the land” (Deuteronomy 15:11) Employ them and have them work for you as sub-employees. In actual fact, they are not working for you; they are working for your money while your money is working for you. Your money is your employee while they become your sub-employees. Do you understand the point?
With this at the back of our minds, we should now understand that your employer is not suppose to work, for his money is working on his behalf. There was a time when he had to work and accumulate money. It is his money’s turn to work for him. Since you don’t have any money to do the job for you, you will have to fold your sleeves and work hard. The money that your employer pays you is not for free. Work is the prize you pay for money. There aren’t many free things any more these days.
What this servant with one talent did not know was that his master was not suppose to work since his talents (money) worked for him. You can also acquire a bunch of such slaves; they will do a lot of work for you. Allow them (money) to have children (profit); don’t let them practice birth control. Never allow them to condomise. Everything produces after its kind. Let them produce after their kind as well. Let your many produce more slaves in the form of profit. All their generations will work for you and your children. They are such a reliable workforce and are never sick nor on strike. They never take a severance package nor retire.
When you invest your money in a business system, your money makes more money for you even in your absence. Your money will make babies and those babies will also work for you for they are born in slavery. This is hard for some to comprehend. It is like swallowing a brick. It goes down pretty rough. Well, it has to, for some of us to open our eyes to the realities around us.
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