Sunday, August 15, 2010


Principle Number 2

Establish the right mindset about money – Part 5

Pastor Maselo Mosomane

“For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.” (Matthew 25:14-18)

Many people are deceived. They have a wrong mindset about money and as such they don’t give to the furtherance of this life-changing message – the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of this, the gospel is hindered. Did you know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only message that has the power to change people’s lives? I don’t mean outward change; I mean changing from inside out. The gospel changes the inside and the inside changes the outside.

Have you got any idea how many people’s lives are transformed by the preaching of the gospel? I am one of them. I grew up just as bad as any other person. Of course I wanted to change but there was nothing in the world to reach my spirit. I tried to change but my method was not right. I tried to change my mind without first having my spirit change. It didn’t work. For a month or two; sometimes six to a year, things would be fine but, without realizing it I would find myself back where I started. When we try that, our change becomes short-lived. Real change takes place in the heart and all other things like mindset, attitude and behavior follow. Jesus is the only one who is able to change people’s hearts. When I heard the gospel preached, I surrendered and received Jesus in my heart. Since that day (over three decades) my live was rearranged. Only the gospel of Jesus could do that.

But how will I give when I don’t have? They say! On the other hand the preacher says; how will you have if you don’t give? An endless story has now begun. It becomes an old story of chicken and egg. What comes first between a chicken and an egg? Have you ever heard this? “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.” The preacher declares from the podium. “How will I give when I don’t have?” An answer echoes from the audience. “I want to give but my lack makes it impossible for me to do so. I will wait until I have enough.”

We’ve got to break this vicious circle and establish a starting point. We’ve been going around this circle for too long. I don’t know about you but I have been in circles for a better part of my life and I am perturbed. I have seen many get in such circles over and over like Samson grinding wheat in the Philistine dungeon. When they caught him they took off his eyes and left him blind. One who once killed thousand people with a dry jaw bone of a donkey has now lost his power and is now moving in circles.

Oh my friend; I can hear a still small voice whispering in my ears; “Maselo, your hair has grown; like Samson of the old, break your circle and kill the Philistines.” When I pause to comprehend what this voice is saying, I hear this sound over and over within me; “Maselo, push with all your might! Maselo, push with all your might!”

My brother, my sister, I think it’s time to PAUSE AND THINK ABOUT THIS MATTER. It’s time to reconsider our belief systems about money. It’s time to check whether our belief systems empower or disempower us. It’s time to check whether what we believe concerning money is indeed what the Word of God says for “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” Romans 10: 17. It’s time to check what we have heard from the Word of God concerning money. I think it’s time to search the scriptures and realign ourselves with the infallible never-changing Word of God on the issue of money. We have been robbed and fed with diluted water for so long it calls for an immediate change.

In solving this puzzle we first need to understand the basics. A chicken is a product of creation whereas an egg is a product of reproduction. Chickens or fowls are created while eggs are produced. “And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” (Genesis 1:20) You’ve got to have chickens before you can have eggs. For things to run perfect first things must always come first. Oftentimes things get messed up just because we want to start anywhere we like in the assembly line. There are certain things you can’t change. We’ve tried to change some but it does not work. It did not work yesterday; it is not working now; and it will still not work tomorrow.

In the case of believers who are already duped and think that for them to give they must first have; may we say, God created us and put in us the ability to produce after our kind. “Be fruitful and multiply…” (Genesis 1:28) This is a statement of production and increase and it applies in all the areas of our live including the area of finance. We are able to take our God-given reproductive ability and produce anything according to His will: money included, and begin to give.

Like chickens, giving comes first. Giving is a sign of obedience to God, and obedience brings a blessing upon our lives whereas receiving packages that blessing into a consumable commodity. I like it. A blessing has to be packaged for consumption. Unless it is packaged, it will remain a state; a potential; yes, an idling engine without a gear box.

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