Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Pastor Maselo Mosomane

So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Joshua 6:27

After the death of Moses the servant of God; by the instruction of God, Joshua assumed leadership over Israel. He took the nation across the River Jordan and led them into the Promised Land.

The first obstacle they came across was the city of Jericho. The city of Jericho had high walls right around. According to the word of God, six days they marched around the city, and, on the seventh day something unusual happened as they marched. When the priests blew the trumpets and the people shouted, the walls of Jericho fell flat.

Walls were a symbol of strength. A city with walls around it enjoyed protection against intruding enemies. Jericho was one of such ancient cities whose citizens enjoyed the protection of those high walls.

Friend; we too have surrounded ourselves with walls today. There are walls of different types all around us. What are walls? Walls may be what we put around ourselves and trust for protection in times of invasion. We trust these walls for our future. Some of our walls are physical. Others are financial while others are material. There are also academic walls.

Like the people of Jericho, we stand protected within the walls of our reliance. But God is saying something to us with regard to these high walls around our lives. The strongest walls of Jericho fell; so shall your most reliable walls.

What are your walls? What do you trust in for security? Is it physical walls and great steel gates? God is saying today; those walls are about to crumble down and when they finally do, they will fall flat. Be careful that they don't fall on you. Why sit you there and trust in bricks and mortar when there is a living God? God gave Abraham the land of Canaan, but Abraham did not put his trust in the land, for he waited for the city which has the foundation whose builder and maker is God.“  Hebrews 11:10 

When God gives you land, houses and lots of material goods do not put your trust in them. For riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations. Proverbs 27:24 When your wealth increases, when your barns are filled with plenty and your vats overflow do not forget the Lord who gave you that blessing. Honor the Lord with that and do not exchange Him for a blessing. A blessing is a gifts from the GIVER. How can you trust the gift more than the GIVER? Dont you know that riches can take the wings and fly away?

What are your walls? Are they wealth, material goods and business establishments? Throughout history kingdoms came and kingdoms fell. Big businesses were established and all lot of them are history. No wonder Jesus said, Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break through and steal. Matthew 6:19

What makes up your walls? Is it education and academic power? As far as education is concerned, there is no need to go beyond our generation to borrow illustrations. We have enough on our plate. In the fifties, one had to pass Standard 6 to be enrolled in a college to train for a profession. In the sixties the tide changed. For one to gain entrance in an institution of high learning, he or she had to obtain a Junior Certificate. Not so long ago in the seventies Matric became the requirement for the same training. What is the position today? Like walls; Standard Six fell, followed by JC, then Matric. No doubt we are beginning to see the walls of a university degree taking a knock and cracks are all over. How many graduates are roaming the streets without jobs today? I am convinced it is not getting any better.

Am I discounting education? No, not at all! Education is good. Is it not through education that we see these kind of developments around us. I cannot think of any thing that single-handedly contributed so much to the betterment of human life than education. However; without taking anything away from it; it is never enough to guarantee ones future. Have you realized that education can only function through a healthy body and mind. See? The walls of education  are also fragile.

Is your security in the money you heaped up in the local institutions of finance or off shore investments? Is your future contained in the power and security that money offers? Listen to what God says through His prophet Ezekiel foretelling what will finally happen to the power of money; They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be like refuse; their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them in that day of the wrath of the Lord; they will not satisfy their souls, nor fill their stomachs, because it became their stumbling block of iniquity Ezekiel 7:19

Man-made walls are crumbling down. They are falling as you are reading. Look around and be careful that they dont fall on you. Do not put your trust in things: put your trust in God who will never grow old nor come to an end. Daniel calls Him THE ANCIENT OF DAYS. Daniel 7:22 In the beginning was God, and, in the end shall be God. Everything in between will lapse like an unpaid insurance policy.

Strong wall of Jericho gave in not to the power of atomic bombs or sophisticated artillery of modern warfare. They gave in to noise - just noise. Can you see how strong towers of your life will be brought down? Not by might, nor by power, but by noise. Noise is so insignificant but it is able to bring down the most powerful man down to earth. The noise of arrogance and pride will bring your walls down my brother. The noise of self-reliance and political connections will pull you down from the ivory towers and drag you in mud down History Avenue. Be careful; it is the noise of your fame Mr and Ms Celebrity that will demolish the walls within which you sit comfortably and despise God saying with your own mouth that you are more famous that Jesus. Don't you know that it is only a fool who says in his heart: There is no God? Psalm 53:1

I have a message for you today Sir. I am making a divine appeal to you Madame. Come out of those walls before they crumble upon you. Jesus is calling on you today. Today is your day Mister. Even you Madame, take heed. Jesus is saying to you right now; Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

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