Friday, October 8, 2010


How to become someone else’s child

Pastor Mosomane

“But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.” John 1:12-13 NLT

When God created the first people; among other things He gave them the power and ability to reproduce after their kind. God said to them; “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…” Genesis 1:28. The entire human race comes from this first couple – Adam and Eve. God created them on the sixth day and the next day He rested. Since that time He has been resting. He does not create a new person every time a child is born. He left that to the system of reproduction. All He does at conception is to give a new spirit to the conceived child. Parents donate the body; He donates the spirit. Why? He does this because human spirits can neither be shared nor reproduced. They don’t have the ability to produce for they have no gender. God provides them.

Each of us is someone else’s child. We are linked to our parents through blood. To be someone’s child you have to be borne by that particular person. We relate to our parents or ancestors through blood. It is this act of birth that makes me my parent’s child. It is also the same act that makes my children, my children.

God called Abraham and made Himself a nation through his bloodline. All the children born from that bloodline were considered a chosen nation – they were considered a nation of God. The Jewish people of Jesus’ time prided themselves on being the descendants of Abraham. Abraham was everything to them. When they prayed they would prayed through Abraham, his son and his grandson - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They would never make a prayer without mentioning Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. At one stage they argued with Jesus and said; “Abraham is our father” But Jesus refuted their claim by saying “if you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham.“ John 8:38-39. But they could not understand Him because they were holding on to their blood relationship and trusted in their blood for salvation.

The relationship they had with Abraham was out of a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan. It was blood-begotten, flesh-begotten and sex-begotten. All these describe man’s will. Two people – man and woman fall in love and come together according to the way of this physical life and bear a child. This is the only way that a person can have a blood-born child.

To be a child of God however; is a different thing. You are not born into it like I was born into the surname of Mosomane. I did nothing to be a Mosomane; all was done for me and I BECAME a Mosomane. The only similarity we can draw between these relationships is that in both cases one must be born. To be your parent’s child you must be born of those parents. The same is true with your relationship with God. To be God’s child you must be born of God. When we were born of our parents it was by the will of our parents. It is also the same with being born of God; it must be by the will of God.

It is important to note that all of us are created by God. We are His people. Our relationship with Him is that of a Creator and His creation. This puts us in the same class with animals; for God created them and gave them the ability to multiply after their kind too. We are God’s creation and our parent’s children. When someone is created by God and born of his parents; he is his parents’ child. He remains like this until he becomes born of God by the will of God.

Jesus calls this experience a second birth. We are been given birth to by our parents and later God gives birth to us. He calls this a “born again” experience. We are first born of our parents and become their children and later when we agree with what God’s word says we are born again; this time born of God. Our Scripture verse tells us that when this happens God gives us the right i.e. the authority to BECOME. We become children of God. Pay attention to this; we are not children of God because we want to call ourselves that. We become children of God because He gives us the right to be called children of God.

You don’t just call yourself a child of God, no; you are given the right to be called that. You need a right, an authority, and permission to be called a child of God. This right, this authority, this permission, this certificate can only be issued through Jesus and this is how it happens;

1. You first have to believe in Jesus - believe what the Scripture says He can do (He can forgive your sins, He can redeem you, He can deliver you from the bondage of Satan, He can save you) Second;

2. You have to accept Him for who the Scripture says He is. He is the Son of God, He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, He is the Redeemer, He is the Passover Lamb, He is the Deliverer, He is the Living Word, He is the First and the Last, He is the SAVIOUR.

3. Confess with your mouth what you believe He is; for with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is make unto salvation

When you do these three things He gives birth to you. Listen to what Peter says when inspired by the Holy Spirit to write; “…having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever” 1 Peter 1:23. You become born again, not of a physical seed which is not able to produce everlasting life. You become born again of an everlasting seed. That seed is the word of God which lives and abides forever. When this happens, you are issued with a birth certificate that surnames you Christian. You become a child of God. Praise God!

You too can become a child of God. Remember you only become a child of someone by being born of that particular person. This is how you become a child of God; by being born of God. This is not for a selected few; it is not only for Jews; it is for all who believe Him and accept Him. All who believe and accept Him from all the nations of the world will become children of God. “But to ALL who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.” John 1:12-13 NLT. If English is still what it used to be; ALL means all. All is inclusive; it leaves no one outside. SALVATION IS FOR ALL. ALL CAN BE GIVEN THE RIGHT TO BE CALLED CHILDREN OF GOD.

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