Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Part 1

Pastor Maselo Mosomane

"Kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24 NLT

In this world there isn’t much we have control over. We don’t have control over where the sun will rise or set tomorrow; we don’t have control over weather; we don’t have control over this year’s rainfall; just to mention but a few. When God created the universe, He created systems and placed them strategically to coordinate and uphold order on earth. God is an organized God. Just imagine how the earth would be like without God. Do you want to be organized? Look at God.

I said there isn’t much we have control over in this world. I said this to say, the world can run without us. We don’t aid it in any way. That’s why it runs even when we are asleep. He who created it created it to function without human support. It pleased Him to create it this way and it also pleased Him to create man and placed him on earth. The earth does not depend on us; we depend on it since our bodies were created from the soil of the earth. God took mud – God took dirt and created a human body. We are just like mud huts that can’t stand heavy rains. Do you see how impossible it is for us to help the earth run?

But there is something we have control over. We have control over words that we speak. We control every word that comes out of our mouths. If there is anything we have complete control over is what we say. If we say something bad; it will be out of our choice. This means we are at liberty to choose what words we speak – both good and bad.

There are people whose language is just poison. When they open their mouths to say something; oh, they leave everyone who hears them demoralized.  They can’t just connect five sentences without vomiting venom. If you want to spoil your day, visit their offices or hang around them. I tell you five minutes with such people is like five weeks in hell. They suffocate you.

Why are we like this? Were we born that way? No, we were not born like that. The Scripture says "God made men and women true and upright; we're the ones who've made a mess of things" Ecclesiastes 16:29 The Message. Did you know that none of us was born with a language? We were born without words – both good or bad. All the words we now know we found here. We were taught here on earth. Words are not genetic; they are acquired. They are learned. We were taught good words and bad words also. But it remains our choice which words we use when we speak.

We all know what bad words can do to us if we avail ourselves to them. We have gone through this at one time or another. Have you ever imagined yourself coming into a meeting or conversation in an exhilarating mood only to be drowned in a pool of foul language? You feel like you could go and have a bath right away. You come out of that meeting or conversation weighed down. You come out confused and depressed. I think the right expression would be this; "you come out sick" This is what bad words do to people. Words, good or bad are so powerful; they change your state almost immediately. The problem is; ultimately, words spoken into your ears shape you. You start by believing words you hear, and unaware change into what you heard. Bad words make you feel bad.

On the other hand, the word of God says; "Kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body" Proverbs 16:24 NLT. Do you know what happens when you are down and out and you hear a good report? Your mood is immediately charged and you are excited again. Why is it like this? It is because God says kind words are medicine; they are health for your body and sweet to your soul.

What does this mean? It means all of us have medicine words. If used properly – if selected properly; we can go around healing people. It means we can go around changing bitter lives into sweet-as-honey types of life. The choice is ours.

Since this morning; how many lives have we poisoned with what we said? Why are we choosing poison if we could choose honey? Why are we killing if we could give medicine? Why would the same people whom God made true and upright go about making mess of other people’s lives through their careless choice of words? How come we become so destructive?

Friend I am coming to you this morning to say, I have chosen to speak kind words like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. I have purposed in my heart that I will come to you with words that will turn your darkest night into broad daylight. I have decided that each day I will share with you something that can turn your bitter life into something sweet; your unbearable day into a pleasant one you will never wish to forget. I have decided to follow after my Lord and Saviour Jesus and speak words that will break the yoke and ease burdens on people’s lives. I have decided to come to you with words that will set the captives free.
You too can! Why don’t you change your language and be a nation builder? We have enough horror stories on news papers and television. That route is over traveled  Why don’t you come out and make a difference. Why don’t you mind your language? Why don’t you choose and measure every word before you speak?

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