Thursday, February 17, 2011


Why people must be led by the Spirit

Pastor Maselo Mosomane

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14
Man is a triune. He is spirit, he has a soul and he lives in a body. With his spirit he relates to the spirit world. With his soul he relates to the mental realm and with his body to the natural realm. The body is led by feelings i.e. what we see, hear, touch, smell or taste. The soul is led by reasoning, will and emotions. In God’s original plan, human spirits were to be led by God’s Spirit.
God ordered things to flow from His throne downward. His line of communication works like this; God communicates to Jesus; Jesus to the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit to human spirit; the human spirit to the soul (mind, will and emotions); the soul communicates to the body and finally, the body puts the orders into action. See how information flows?
All of us are spirits. We are human spirits. When Satan deceived our first parents in the Garden of Eden, their spirits died – they ceased to live. All children who were born of this fallen couple were born in a fallen state. They were born dead. We must understand that when the bible talks about death it is not talking about extinction. Death is not extinction; it is separation. Death as we know it is the separation of human spirit and human body. When this happens, the human spirit continues to live outside the body. When the bible says someone’s spirit is dead it means his spirit is separated from God. To live life without God is death. The bible says a person who lives his life without God is dead.
Man died to God. He lost spiritual connection with God. It is through this spiritual connection that we are able to be led by the Spirit.  All knowledge and wisdom (all that is needed to guide man) is found in God. We can access this only through a spiritual connection. Unless we have this connection it is impossible for us to be led by the Spirit.  
You will remember that man used to have this spiritual connection. But since that day the devil deceived him, he lost it. His spirit is no longer connected. Man has now lost network and can no longer make calls to God. Sometimes he tries but he continue to get the same answer; “we are sorry, you don’t have network. Please try later.” He tries again and the answer is still the same. He resorts to alternative modes. He starts to be led by the soul i.e. mind, will and emotions.
“O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me” He cries. Romans 7:24. But thank be to God, Jesus is the Master Technician. Jesus came to reconnect people with God so they can be led by the Spirit. You see when lines are off we need no one else but the technician. Jesus is the Chief Technician. He is able to connect you with God. Anyone who is serious about being led by the Spirit needs Jesus. No Jesus no Spirit; not Spirit no connection. No connection, no guidance. 

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