Principle Number Nine
Striking a balance Part 2
Pastor Maselo Mosomane
Maybe we need to tie some few loose strings together in order to make sense of what we are talking about. When we talk about being on your own, we are not talking about unemployment. Unemployment is an unresourceful state. An unemployed person has no formal way of earning a living. He depends of the willingness of others to share their income with him. This source is so irregular and unreliable that you cannot depend on it to raise a family. What would you say if you meeting an ex-patient in the supermarket with a bottle of drip and when you ask him what he is doing with those things he says: “I live on drips?” Help is necessary but remember; help is a jump starter – it is a temporary relieve system to get you started.
On the other hand, being on your own means you are still employed but this time by yourself. We might as well say you are self-employed. The difference between being employed and being self-employed is that one who is employed works for another who in turn pays him a salary or wages; while one who is on his own is working for himself and draws an income periodically. It may be monthly, weekly or any other time as it suites him or his administration.
May God help us and let common sense prevail in our lives to understand basic principles of life as well as spiritual laws. You don’t just do what you like in life. There are rules of the game to be followed. Do not use faith against God to avoid what He requires of every person through principles and spiritual laws. I think that’s why Paul quickly wrote another letter to correct this misunderstanding.
You don’t have to be unemployed first, in order to live by faith. Living by faith is not exclusive to unemployed people as it is thought to be. It is not a government grand. Anybody can live by faith; employed or unemployed, it makes no difference. Don’t just quit your job and say; I want to live by faith as if you are denied the right to do so for the reason that you’ve got a job. No! There is dignity in working and supporting your family. This is what God expects of every parent. Do not be deceived.
Certain things need to be considered seriously before any action is taken. It doesn’t matter how inspired you feel. For instant; your level of education, your orientation, your belief system, your spiritual development, your God-given talents, your acquired skills, your leadership qualities, your financial capacity, and the like. No one is born ready. Certain areas in your life may need to be developed first. You may need to enroll for a course in what you want to venture into before you resign. Some will have to try it while they are still employed.
We spoke at length about talents in chapter three. Remember, those who are endowed with leadership qualities and business orientations ought to take care of those without what it takes to be in business. This is where employment system comes in. This is the responsibility of having a talent. It is not given to you only for selfish purposes. It is for you and those around you. “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) God meant it this way in order that we should be a caring nation.
If you cannot be in business, you will have to help those who are. Find out how you can contribute towards their vision and join them. Your new name will then be called EMPLOYEE. I don’t see anything wrong with this name if you can feed and support your family. Is this name not better than UNEMPLOYED in the name of faith while you are not able to support your family? Absolutely! This is definitely what you need to know before you launch out.
Many business enterprises fail simply because people overrated themselves and overreacted to fleeting opportunities. Not all ideas or opportunities have the capacity to maintain a new venture. Don’t get puffed up and loose common sense. Most of such mistakes are done in the name of faith. You will be doing yourself a great favour if you maintain common sense and strike a balance throughout.
This is the reason why market research is so necessary before any decision is taken. By doing market research you are looking before you leap. This may seem to be an unnecessary delay especially when the idea is still fresh. But it is unavoidable for those who really mean business. You cannot try a business; in fact, business tries you. Some people say “oh, I’m just trying my luck in this business.” No! Business is a serious matter. It is called business for it is for people who are willing to get busy. Commitment is the key word. Maybe the word should be spelled like this; “busyness.”
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