Principle Number 3
Understanding what makes the difference - Part 2
Pastor Maselo Mosomane
Is your talent in the right hands? Remember, it is not the talent that makes the difference, but the hands that hold it. The two servants got their share of talents and made the difference. It was not so much the ability of the talent, but the ability of the servants themselves. Talents too, cannot be good or bad on their own. Your talent or even your qualifications are void of meaning until you attach some to it.
The third servant; like many people, failed to make a difference with what he had because he chose the easy way. “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7: 13-14. Jesus said the common route (as is a choice of many) is overcrowded with people who are not willing to go an extra mile: people who are not prepared to do just a little more than what they are paid for. Because of this attitude, they barely exist. A kind of statement to describe them would be “they survive.”
The easiest thing to do is to follow the crowd. Many people think because the idea is popular; it ought to be right. They say so many people cannot be wrong. Beloved; it must never escape your mind that when God created you He made no referral to what others were created for. You were created like there were no other people on earth and what you were created for and the gifts you were endowed with had nothing to do with the next person. Your purpose is unique; only you can fulfill it the way God purposed it. It displeases God to see you follow others people instead of following the vision given to you by God.
The world today is ruled on the bases of this statement; “majority rules” and minority follows. That’s not true. Minority is not followers; it is the majority that is followers. We may think that minority follows but in essence they don’t; they rule. Great inventions that determine the way life is conducted today is not the product of the majority. Who invented the first computer? It is on record that Charles Baggage, that English mathematician designed a mechanical computing machine called the analytical engine. It is considered the forerunner of the digital computer as we know it today. He conceived an idea to develop a device to facilitate computation while attending Cambridge University in 1812. He began work in 1834 and spent the rest of his life on the idea. One man gave the world a computer; not the majority. Three sons of Bishop Wright gave the world a flying machine not the majority. We can go on and on and on; the list is continues.
What are we saying? We are saying few people conceived an idea; they discovered their purpose and changed the world in their lifetime. What is the majority doing about it? They follow. The world says we need more people on our side to make a decision – that’s democracy. But the word of God tells us something else. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” 1 Chronicles 16:9. God is looking for one man to change the world and that man is YOU.
Do you want to succeed or survive? Animals survive but human beings succeed. He who created them created them for these different purposes. Animals survive; human beings succeed. Survivors like shortcuts. They choose easy routes. This is a shortcut to poverty and misery. Many who chose this route fell by the wayside. They ended their journey too early and left no tale to neither tell nor track to follow.
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