Thursday, August 5, 2010


Principle Number One

Understanding Creation - continues

Pastor Maselo Mosomane

“For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.” (Matthew 25:14-18)

Jesus used money to explain spiritual things and how they affect our natural lives. I believe Jesus chose money to convey his message because the subject of money would attract many people’s attention. It is people’s interest in money; or lack of it that makes people listen; hoping that what is said will somehow help transform their lives.

For this reason, I believe we must talk about money too. We must teach and preach about money too. We must show how money can serve us and help make our lives comfortable while we are still around here waiting for our complete redemption for we will be kept in these mud huts until our Master comes back to take us home.

Jesus knew the importance of moving His audience from the known to the unknown. With one hand He would grab the physical and say, guys, if you would understand how the natural or the physical functions, you would be on your way to mastering the spiritual principles.

The passage of scripture we have opened this chapter with seems to be a turning point in Jesus’ messages. It is like He is moving from one layer to another. He is beginning to spend more time talking about his last days on earth in the form of a physical man. He preached this message from Mount Olive; probably on Tuesday of the last week of His earthly ministry. These, we may say, were Jesus’ farewell messages. “But what has this got to do with MONEY?” One may say. I think it has everything to do with money or gifts. If we parallel this man’s farewell story with Jesus’ messages as He prepares for His departure, similarities begin to surface. Jesus began to prepare His disciples for gifts that were to be given to the church after His departure and how they were to be used to ensure fruitfulness and multiplication in their individual lives and also in the body of Christ.

However, Jesus stated it clearly from the onset that He would not give gifts “as the world gives.” (John 14:27) For example: when they were expecting Him to restore or reestablish the kingdom of Israel (Acts 1: 6) He told them something else. “But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth” (Acts 1: 8 The Amplified Bible) When they expected a finished product, He gave them power which is translated ability, efficiency and might to bring about the desired product. When they were expecting a gift of the kingdom, He told them to establish the kingdom.

This is the kingdom principle and those who master it will eat the good of the land. We don’t need to receive products but the ability to produce such products and many more. We are created in the image of God; we are created in the image of the Creator who created the universe. We too can create our environment as we become fruitful and multiply what was given to us.

The Son of God who became the Son of man was about to become the Son of God again. He was God and had all that made God, God. But “…he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” (Philippians 2:8) But on the third day God raised Him from the dead never to die again; and was seen by many witnesses. He was then lifted up into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father “far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.” (Ephesians 1: 21) According to the scriptures “this same Jesus, which is taken up … into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1: 11) He will come back to establish a kingdom where He will assume His office as King of kings and Lord of lords. This is the millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The parable states that after a long time the lord of those servants came back. He called the three of them to a board meeting and gave each time to present his financial report. It’s time to settled accounts. You will understand that in this kind of meeting the sweetest language is profit; and nothing else. You can phrase your story as convincing as you know how but the buzz word is profit; without it your story holds no water. The only sound that catches the attention of the entrepreneur is “chaching.”

Every talent that God has given to each and everyone of us comes with a responsibility; to be fruitful and multiply. One day we are going to give account of every ability given to us by our Heavenly Father. Jesus came and gave gifts to men and He is coming back to settle account with each and every one of us.

This was the most difficult concept Jesus had to explain to His audience and He had to use parables. Our text is one of such parables. In it He used master (employer), servants (employees) and talents (money). I invite you to take this journey with us as the Holy Spirit leads us through this parable.

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