Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Pastor Maselo Mosomane

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" Isaiah 40:31

I suppose we've enjoyed our festive seasons and everything that came along with it. It's January and next week schools will be reopening. Many students who did well in their matric examinations will be all over the place trying to secure themselves space in institutions of higher learning. But they have to wait until tomorrow to know how they fared. You will remember that they've been waiting since November. You see when you are faced with this kind of suspension one month is like one year - you can't wait.

This waiting period – this waiting business and impatience is not only the problem of matric students. All of us are at one time or another subjected to this kind of suspension; be it at the ATM or in a local municipal office – I mean at almost every point of service. Although today's lifestyle demands instant service real life out there provides with something different. We don't have what we want when we want.

We read in the above scripture that waiting is better when it is upon the Lord. When you wait upon the Lord – when you wait expecting the Lord to move on your behalf no matter what circumstance you are in, no matter how long it takes; the word of God says instead of growing impatient and tired your strength is renewed. What does this suppose to mean? This is what it means. Waiting with assurance that what you are waiting for will finally arrive is indeed refreshing. You see when you are waiting on God you are sure He will honour His word. There is no need to stress for He who promises is faithful. When you waiting upon the Lord to manifest, long quos don't matter any more.

The prophet of God says; "…they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" Did you hear that? The prophet Isaiah says they shall not be weary and they shall not faint. In other words, they shall not be worn out. They will do the most tiresome undertaking but they shall not burn out. When others fall by the wayside, they will continue as if they've just started. They shall mount; i.e. they shall fly high in the sky; spread their wings like and eagle and wait for the right opportunity. Don't waste your energy this year by chasing everything that glitters. Hang up there in the sky and wait. You may look like you are wasting time. But you are renewing your strength for the opportunity that is about to come requires strength hence you must hang up there and get refreshed.

They shall run and not weary. Running systematically provides with strength and energy. Running in the pathways of righteousness does not get one tired; it increases one's strength. As soon as the opportunity arrives be prepared to run. When the Lord provides you with an opportunity go for it! Run with all your might. Fear not for you won't faint; you won't be weary; instead you will be refreshed.

Many athletes in a race faint after a long run. They win and are immediately rushed to the hospital. But as for you; you will finish the race and walk. You will walk and not faint. The Lord whom you are waiting for will recharge you; He will renew your strength day by day. This is who we are. We will walk around. We won't rush things – no hasty decisions this year; take it easy and walk.

What are we saying? We are saying we are ready for this year. We are ready for 2010. We are not saying so because of the world cup; we are saying this because of who we are waiting for. We are waiting for the Lord. We are waiting upon Him. We are waiting for His deliverance and we are waiting with Him. Quos don't bother us anymore. Waiting periods don't irritate us as before. We are waiting upon the Lord. 2010 here we come! We will fly over you; we will run across you and not be weary. We will finally walk every step like a triumphant king would do and still not faint. Listen! And every place that the sole of our foot will tread will be ours in the Name of Jesus.


God bless you. Let's go!

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